Do aliens exist?

Is mankind alone in the universe? This is a question many scientists have been asking. Many believe that life does not only exist on Earth, but also on other planets. They are known as extraterrestrial life, or more commonly, aliens.

Throughout years years of research - from the Martian canals to the Wow! signal, more and more people begin to believe that aliens, in fact, do exist. However, there are arguments about whether aliens have visited Earth or not, and whether they will ever visit our planet.

Given the circumstances of our galaxy, and the possibility of certain aliens being able to live on certain planets, the chance of there being aliens is a bunch of 0.1% multiplied. Despite the chance of aliens existing on a planet being low, there are a lot of planets in our galaxy, which means over 500 million planets probably have life on them! Isn't that amazing?

However, it is possible that aliens have never visited us, and may never do; in fact, it's highly likely. Not just because how unlikely it would be for us to find a planet with aliens living on it, there are way too many barriers between aliens and us, humans. Our different requirements, bodies, technologies, ways of communication etc. makes it pretty much impossible for the two species to meet.

Now, here is the question - what do people believe in? Do most people think aliens exist? Do they think aliens have visited Earth? To know that, I made a Google form and sent it to my classmates to find out their opinions.

Here are the results:

Responses to "Do you believe that aliens exist?"

Responses to "Do you believe that aliens have visited Earth?"

Responses to "Do your friends believe that aliens exist?"

From these results we can see that more people believe aliens do exist compared to those who believe aliens don't exist; however, more peoople believe aliens have not visited Earth compared to those who believe they have. As for the impressions of the opinions people give to others, we can see that there's an equal amount of people that seem to believe / don't believe in aliens, as well as a lot of people not expressing their thoughts on this topic.

It's certainly interesting to see what people think about aliens. I think it is important to learn and think about things like these and to be aware of what's going on in the world of science.

Thank you for reading!